Spotswood Public Schools
HIB (Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying)
Awareness and Prevention Program

Dear Schoenly Parents, Students, Staff, and Community Members,
In compliance with the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights, the Spotswood Public Schools have put a strong set of resources in place to protect our students and foster a positive environment in which they can learn. Our district policies related to Harrassment, Intimidation, and Bullying are in full compliance with the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Law. At each of our four buildings a School Safety Team has been established to monitor and address any incidents of HIB among our students and to work collaboratively with students and staff to create great schools in which students feel safe and respected. Each building houses an Anti-Bullying Specialist whose job it is to investigate cases and, along with the building principal, to provide an action plan for following through any confirmed cases of bullying or harassment.
At Schoenly School, your Anti-Bullying Specialists are Ms. Taryn Bruno and Ms. Alexandria Yanick. Ms. Bruno and Ms. Yanick work cooperatively with Mrs. Ayers and a team of committed teachers and staff to create a safe, productive environment for our youngest students here in Spotswood. If you have a concern regarding a bullying issue, please contact:
Ms. Taryn Bruno, Schoenly Anti-Bullying Specialist
[email protected]
732-723-2200 x4000
Ms. Alexandria Yanick, Schoenly Anti-Bullying Specialist
[email protected]
732-723-2200 x4000
732-723-2200 x4000
Ms. Morgan Clark, District Anti-Bullying Coordinator
732-723-2200 x5094